Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Holiday update!

I hope all of you have been having a great Holiday season with friends and family as much as I have! (amen to all the delish food I ate) Notice I didn't post anything last week because of Christmas so I figured I would go ahead and wish you all Happy Holidays and today is NYE so Happy New Year as well!
Remember be safe tonight, please don't drink and drive no matter what!

See you all next year ;)


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December Wishlist

So I am going to start a new little series on my blog, where each month I tell you all the items that I have discovered and want to try out!
I always talk about the products that I have, but what about the ones that I haven't tried yet? So each month I will create a wishlist of things that I will be looking forward to buying in the coming month. By the way, I want to thank my girl Yari for giving me this idea, because I love it! She has a blog too, and if you're into fashion I suggest you check it out! Visit her at

1. Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed in Champagne Gold

2.NARS highlight in Albatoross

3. Anastasia Perfect Brow Pencil in Granite

4. Sleek Face contour kit

5. MAC lip pencil in Chestnut

6. SheaMoisture Illuminating Powder in mandaly dusk

Let me know if any of you dolls have tried any of these makeup goodies and what you thought about them!
Till next time...


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

November Favorites

Yes, I am completely aware that its December and Christmas is already a few weeks away BUT my November favorites is something I still wanted to share with you all. Its just a few things but its still necessary. During November I was obsessing over a few new things and some things that I have had for a while but forgot about so, enjoy!

 Last month I was in love with two nail polishes that I kept wearing back to back. These colors never get old and are the perfect staple for the fall time. 

Essie Stylenomics


ULTA Grin & Berry it

The Peace Love and Juicy Couture perfume was all one of my favorites. This was the one thing that I have had for probably a year and haven't started using it until now. I didn't know what I missing this whole time because I swear this perfume is going to be in my collection FOREVER!

In October, I was all about my Diva lipstick by MAC and last month I switched back to Rebel and tried not to wear it everyday, but I think that was a fail (sorry not sorry)

 Guys....this mascara is everything. Like, I am going to try really hard and not go on a rant about this mascara but all I have to say is GO GET YOU SOME like NOW. The Jordana mascara called Best Lash Extreme was my life and still is my life. Its literally only $2 and works like a charm. 

And a little random favorite for my dolls, Green Tea! You're probably reading this thinking, wut? But yes, I promise Green Tea is the answer to all your problems. (okay maybe not?) But it gives you clear skin, helps to get rid of that annoying bloating, and just tastes delish with a little honey. I drink mine hot but tastes good either way. 

*I promise I am done with my November posts so be ready for December related posts, finally! 


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

November Glam Bag Review

Its about that time for another Glam Bag review. I am a little late on this one due to Thanksgiving, which I hope everyone had a great one! But its now December and the new bag is going to come out soon so I figured its time to review the November one.

So heres a little peek at what I got:

So everything came in this cute glitter bag which you all should know glitter is my favorite color ;) really though. 

I got the Tarte Maracula Oil, Be a Bombshell Eye Base in Submissive, Jcat Wonder Lip Paint in Red Potion, SeaRx Micro-Dermabraision Face & Body Scrub and the Pixie dust roll on perfume oil. 

Right away, I can already tell you my two favorite products from this bag is the eye base and the  Tarte oil, simply because those are the two that I find myself using daily

The lip paint I liked but I have only used once because its a product that I really have to take my time using because I find it sooo messy. The color looks beautiful though. The Pixie dust perfume was alright too, I wear it probably once a week but the scent doesn't really last that long. 

My only wish is that Ipsy would stop sending me two facial products because I don't even use the Micro-Dermabraision Scrub but I do have to note it smells sooo good, kinda like citrus. 

So overall, more pros than cons in this bag but I cant wait till I get my December bag!
till next time...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

All About My Hair

Lets just get this out there....YES I wear weave and YES I love it!
I think its safe to say I am almost addicted to it because I have been wearing extensions/weaves probably since my junior year in high school and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. 

But first, before I get to the weave, I wanna say underneath this weave is my real hair and its actually pretty healthy (I will show a picture of my real hair the next time I go get my hair done) Its grown so much over the years and its a little past my shoulders now. Really thick, but I am aiming for more thickness. I do get my hair relaxed as well, which just means that I get a chemical put in my hair to make it straight for about six weeks. 

For those of you that are not too familiar with African American hair I suggest you watch the movie Good Hair by Chris Rock. I made my best friend Allie watch it with me a long time ago and literally all her questions have been answered...or so I think. (Hey Allie!)

As far as my weave, I am currently wearing hair from Sheena's Hair Emporium. I love long hair so I chose the longer lengths in the Indian body wave texture. Let me tell you, this hair is the bomb. I've only had it in for almost three weeks, but this hair holds a curl so well! I'm talking days, and even after I workout, the curls are still there!
*This is the most recent picture of me rocking hair from Sheena's 

Most hair that I order is more on the pricey side but they last the longest, so I think its worth it. Completely different from wearing hair from a beauty supply store, and trust me I know, because that was all I could afford in high school.

So if any of my ladies out there have been thinking about tying out weave or even just extensions I totally suggest you do! (yes there is a difference)
 It gives you a break from your natural hair and lets it rest without you putting all that heat and product on it everyday. 
By the way, your real hair gets braided up and braids=hair growth. Which is always a plus!  

Can I also just mention, weave is not only for black girls, I have seen white girls rock weaves too and make them look beautiful!

Dont forget to check out Sheena's Hair Emporium and follow them on Instagram too!

I will do a hair care blog post soon so you all can see what I do to keep it healthy on the daily. 


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Fall Fashion

 Its starting to get a lot colder where I live now (Texas) so I think this is the perfect time for me to share some of my favorite fall clothes that I have in my closet. In the fall, my outfits consist of leggings, boots, and scarfs most of the time because its obviously the best way to stay warm and still look cute!

So my first is an essential, and that's an over-sized sweater. Every girl needs one of these that you can just throw on with some leggings and BAM! Your're ready to take on the cold! Mine is from H&M and this mustard color is perfect for fall.

Next is my favorite jacket right now and have been in love with since I got it last fall. Depending on how cold it gets in your city you might not wear something like this but I do and I would wear it everyday if i could. I believe I got it from Forever 21 but I have been seeing these style jackets everywhere.

Of course every girl has their favorite pair of boots they love and mine happened to be a Christmas present from my mom last year. (hi mommy) They match with anything I wear this time of the year and I can tell they are going to be long lasting which is always a plus.

And last, you all could probably guess I was going to mention this scarf because I mentioned it in my fall favorites blog post so yes, my leopard scarf is a must for the fall. I literally wear this scarf at least once a week and that's only because I don't want people to think I'm crazy for wearing it everyday, because trust me, I would.

Now I wanna know what you guys enjoy wearing in the colder months!


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Beauty on a Budget

As much as we always want to buy that $40 foundation we see at Sephora we cant always bring ourselves to spend that much when we know there is a foundation at Target that will work just as good (maybe even better) Especially for us college students, beauty on a budget can be a struggle sometimes, but glorious when we find a product that can match that expensive one we have been eye balling forever.

So here are my favorite affordable drugstore products that I just cant get enough of!

When I did my everyday makeup blog I was using the Sephora brand foundation but since I finished that I switched to the CoverGirl Outlast Stay Fabulous foundation. Its super lightweight but build-able. However, it might say shine free, but I still find myself being oily after a while of wearing it. But then again, that's with any foundation that I wear. I got mine from Target but CoverGirl products can be found anywhere.

My next product is also by CoverGirl. Its their Clean concealer and this is probably the best concealer that I have ever had, including high end ones. I like that it comes in a tube and has an applicator like a lip gloss which makes everything a lot easier for me. Totally recommend this one!

So enough with CoverGirl, and on with Revlon. Right now I am using the Lash Potion mascara and the formula is great and makes my eyelashes look better than any other drugstore mascara I have used. Im pretty sure I only paid $5 for it, so you cant go wrong with that!

Last, to clean all of that off my face at the end of the day, I use the Ponds makeup remover wipes and these not only smell good but they seriously get ALL of my makeup off. Eyeliner, mascara, EVERYTHING. I cannot live without these bad boys. Go get you some!

Let me know what drugstore products you all are loving at the moment!

Stay Fab,

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

First Glam Bag REVIEW.

I finally jumped on the Glam Bag bandwagon and just got my first bag in the mail last week. I guess it wasn't much a surprise when I received it because I already knew what was going to be in my bag cause I took a little sneak peek on the Ipsy website.

Anyways, for those of you that don't know Ipsy is a subscription service that brings you a bag full of beauty goodies once a month. 

Sometimes you get full size products or just samples but its all still worth it cause most of the time it always equals to more than what you pay a month and who doesn't like getting new products every month?!

So, here's a little preview as to what I got in my October bag:

  • Albertini Warm Love Pumpkin exfoliating mask
  • Figs & Rouge hand cream
  • Indie Lee Brightening cleanser
  • Skone Cosmetics Tattooed eyeliner
  • Starlooks lip-gloss

For my first bag I have to say I wish I didn't get two facial products but the Pumpkin mask smells delish, only because the smell of pumpkin is one of my favorites. 
The lip-gloss is a really good nude color too, I think good for all skin tones. 
Hand cream is super light, smells sooo good, and doesn't leave my hands feeling greasy.
The eyeliner is a little rough but I am able to work with it.
And I can honestly do without the Brightening cleaner.

 Other than that I have to say I am super excited to receive future bags and review them on my blog so stay tuned for more of these!

I recommend Ipsy to all my makeup and beauty lovers out there, its like a present to yourself every month guys!

For more info on how to start your subscription visit :)

Stay Fab,

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Fall Favorites

So in honor of fall being officially here, I of course want to share with y'all all my favorite things that I enjoy during the fall. 
I found this Fall Favorites tag on YouTube actually and I figured this would be a cute little way for you to get to know me a little better. Enjoy!

1. Favorite lip color?
MAC lipstick in Diva

2. Favorite nail polish?
Mixed Media Maroon by Finger Paints.

3.Favorite Starbucks drink?
Salted Caramel Frap

4. Favorite candle?
Marshmallow Fireside by Bath and Body Works

5.Favorite fall scarf or accessory?
I LOVEEE wearing my leopard print scarf during the fall....I think I got it from Forever 21 a few years ago but you can literally find one anywhere.

6.Haunted House, Hay Ride or Haunted Corn Maze?
I really don't like the feeling of being scared but if I had to choose I would say Haunted Corn Maze cause I actually love going to the corn maze but I don't think I've been to a Haunted one.

7.What is your favorite thing about the fall?
Being comfy and cozy of course.

8.Whats your least favorite thing about the fall?
The cold is never for me so I guess that's the only thing I don't like about the fall.

I tag YOU! yes. you, that's reading this right now. Leave comments below telling me all your favorite things during fall!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Life Update/ New Posting Schedule

Heyyy my little beauties!
Sorry I've been MIA and haven't been keeping up with my blog like I should of been. 
But long story short, after my last post I went on a little summer vacation with my girls to San Antonio and Austin to end the summer then when we came back, school started the very next day. So school has been back in session for 5 weeks now and I had just been trying to focus into getting back into the swing of things. But now that I am back on schedule I am officially gonna start blogging again. I really missed it. Trying to juggle school, a job, and an internship is not exactly the easiest sooo I have decided I want to have a set posting schedule so it makes it easy for me and you guys know when to expect a new post! So every Wednesday be expecting some new material from me! Makeup, fall fashion, my current favorites, all that good stuff you guys look forward to. 
Hope everyone is having a great fall semester and can you guys believe its October now?! Time is just flying by its crazy. But for all my students out there keep up the work and don't loose focus! 
And I will be seeing you guys again next Wednesdaaaay :) 

Stay Fab,

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Everyday Makeup

     Applying makeup has always been something fun and enjoyable to me. Some girls might look at it as chore or just something that they need to do but it should never feel that way. 
     Granted, I do have my moments where my winged eyeliner doesn't come out like I want it to and it ends up frustrating me but its makeup....its not permanent, so just grab a makeup remover wipe and try again!
     There are days where I don't wear makeup because it might not be necessary for a day that I am just running errands, but the days that I do wear makeup, I pretty much use the same items. However, they are subject to change because I always try new things so this is what I am using as of right now.

Foundation: Sephora brand
Powder: Makeup Forever Duo Matte powder
Mascara: Revlon Lash Potion 
Blush: Mac's Love Thing
Highlight: Benefit's Watts Up
Eyebrows: Benefit's Gimme Brow
Eyeliner: Lorac's Front of the Line Pro

     Also, dont forget to moisturize before applying a full face of makeup!

Feel free to ask any questions and tell me which makeup products you use everyday, I am always interested in trying out new stuff :) 

Stay Glam,

Monday, August 4, 2014

July Favorites!

     Can you guys believe that its August already?! I feel like it was just yesterday I was celebrating the 4th of July and now its the 4th of August! Time really does fly...especially in the summer time when everyone is out of school. 
     But during July there were a few things I was obsessing over and each month I am going to  start sharing with y'all my monthly faves. I always love watching these videos on YouTube so I figured to start doing it on my blog. I broke it down to five different categories so its easier as well. Enjoy!

  • Favorite face product: Sephora liquid foundation
  • Favorite nail polish: Sally Hansen "Blue me Away"
  • Favorite lippe: Mac lipstick in Rebel
  • Favorite scent: Victoria's Secret Bombshell in Bloom
  • Favorite clothing item: floral skirt from Charlotte Russe
  • Random Favorite: Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Oreos 

So there are my July faves, and I would really like to know what you guys were loving last month! Leave all comments down below!

P.S. I want to thank one of my best friends Ariel for introducing those Oreos to me, my addiction with anything involving peanut butter is real. 

Stay Glam,


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Skincare Routine!

Hello again!
     So I have officially decided that finding a good skincare routine is one of the things that a lot of us struggle with. Staying consistent with it is even harder, but consistency is your best friend when it comes to your face. Especially if you are looking to see a change in appearance, whether that be reducing breakouts, redness, pores, or you just want a overall fresh face look. I have learned to be patient but it wasn't easy because I used to be that girl that would try a different product every few weeks if I didn't see a difference. Once I discovered that most products take more than a few weeks to work, I learned to be patient.
My face has always been oily and believe me its never fun having to use countless amounts of blotting papers throughout the day but the products that I use take care of the job for the most part. 

     So as you can see I use two products by the brand Cetaphil and I swear by this brand. I use the face wash and I am just now starting to use their moisturizer. I have been using the face wash for about a year now, day and night. It makes my face feel squeaky clean even after wearing a full face of makeup. However if you are looking for a face wash that lathers....this wouldn't be the choice for you. I personally like that it doesn't lather too much but it just depends on what your preference is.

     The moisturizer I have only been using for a couple weeks so I am still testing it out. I do know that a little definitely goes a long way, half a pump of this stuff is all you need to cover your whole face. 

     I also use an exfoliater by St. Ives but I am warning is a little harsh for daily use so once a week should be just fine!

     The stuff that you see in the orange tube is the Rapid Clear Gel by Neutrogena and its pretty much a spot treatment for breakouts and it works breakouts don't disappear by the next morning but over a couple of days they will if I apply this each night. 

     And finally my eye cream is in the jar and I know you cant see the label but its by Benefit Cosmetics and its probably my most expensive skincare product that I have (everything else comes from the drugstore) As far as if it works...well I guess we'll find out in the years to come I guess! 

          1. Try to stay away from the fruity scented face washes
          2. NEVER go to bed with makeup on
          3. Wash your face every morning and night
          4. Try to clean your makeup brushes at least once a                  month

P.S. I have now put all my social media sites on my page so please follow me on those AND you can now follow me on Bloglovin which is a website that lets you keep track of all your favorite bloggers and discover new ones! cool right? Don't forget to follow me on Blogger as well so you can continue to stay updated with me and when I post :) 

Stay Glam,

Sunday, July 27, 2014

My First Blog Post....EVER.

Oh hey!
Welcome to my blog ladies and gents! 

Considering this is my first post...I guess this is the part where I introduce myself & all that good stuff. Sooooo long story short:
21, Texas born & raised, college student, Public Relations major.
Thats only a tad bit of me but you will get to know me more as I post more on my blog :)

Fashion & beauty have always been the two things that I am always passionate about and I initially looked into starting my own Youtube channel but blogging seemed waaaaay better. 
By the way....if you are curious, look up the Youtube channel GlitterTrio (dont make fun of us though) 

So throughout my busy schedule I plan to post on here at least twice a week to start off with because this page is still under construction & I am trying to play around with the layout to see what I like & dont. So stay patient with me, I will eventually get the hang of it.

I will try to link all my social networking sites ASAP so yall can follow me on there as well.
Stay tuned guys...this is only the beginning!

Stay Glam,