Wednesday, November 19, 2014

All About My Hair

Lets just get this out there....YES I wear weave and YES I love it!
I think its safe to say I am almost addicted to it because I have been wearing extensions/weaves probably since my junior year in high school and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. 

But first, before I get to the weave, I wanna say underneath this weave is my real hair and its actually pretty healthy (I will show a picture of my real hair the next time I go get my hair done) Its grown so much over the years and its a little past my shoulders now. Really thick, but I am aiming for more thickness. I do get my hair relaxed as well, which just means that I get a chemical put in my hair to make it straight for about six weeks. 

For those of you that are not too familiar with African American hair I suggest you watch the movie Good Hair by Chris Rock. I made my best friend Allie watch it with me a long time ago and literally all her questions have been answered...or so I think. (Hey Allie!)

As far as my weave, I am currently wearing hair from Sheena's Hair Emporium. I love long hair so I chose the longer lengths in the Indian body wave texture. Let me tell you, this hair is the bomb. I've only had it in for almost three weeks, but this hair holds a curl so well! I'm talking days, and even after I workout, the curls are still there!
*This is the most recent picture of me rocking hair from Sheena's 

Most hair that I order is more on the pricey side but they last the longest, so I think its worth it. Completely different from wearing hair from a beauty supply store, and trust me I know, because that was all I could afford in high school.

So if any of my ladies out there have been thinking about tying out weave or even just extensions I totally suggest you do! (yes there is a difference)
 It gives you a break from your natural hair and lets it rest without you putting all that heat and product on it everyday. 
By the way, your real hair gets braided up and braids=hair growth. Which is always a plus!  

Can I also just mention, weave is not only for black girls, I have seen white girls rock weaves too and make them look beautiful!

Dont forget to check out Sheena's Hair Emporium and follow them on Instagram too!

I will do a hair care blog post soon so you all can see what I do to keep it healthy on the daily. 


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