Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Life Update/ New Posting Schedule

Heyyy my little beauties!
Sorry I've been MIA and haven't been keeping up with my blog like I should of been. 
But long story short, after my last post I went on a little summer vacation with my girls to San Antonio and Austin to end the summer then when we came back, school started the very next day. So school has been back in session for 5 weeks now and I had just been trying to focus into getting back into the swing of things. But now that I am back on schedule I am officially gonna start blogging again. I really missed it. Trying to juggle school, a job, and an internship is not exactly the easiest sooo I have decided I want to have a set posting schedule so it makes it easy for me and you guys know when to expect a new post! So every Wednesday be expecting some new material from me! Makeup, fall fashion, my current favorites, all that good stuff you guys look forward to. 
Hope everyone is having a great fall semester and can you guys believe its October now?! Time is just flying by its crazy. But for all my students out there keep up the work and don't loose focus! 
And I will be seeing you guys again next Wednesdaaaay :) 

Stay Fab,

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