Thursday, January 22, 2015

14 Things I Learned in 2014

So I saw a girl do a video on YouTube on this topic and found it pretty interesting so I figured, why not share with ya'll a few things that I learned not only about myself, but other people as well. 
Yes I know, it may seem a little late to be doing this post but whatever I still wanna do it!

1) Be active EVERYDAY, trust me, you will feel a lot better.
2) Taking a girls trip with your best friends is definitely something that every group of girls needs to do.
3) If he doesn't take you out, red flags! stop. move on.  
4) Respect yourself, and know your worth. (kinda goes along with numero 3.)
5) Not everyone is who they say they are.
6) A little wine and Italian food can fix everything.
7) Embrace change.
8) No experience is ever a waste of time, you learned something right?
9) Wear lipstick as often as you want.
10) Hold your family close 
11) Have confidence but stay humble 
12) Learning to let go is the hardest thing to do, but it needs to be done. 
13) Crying on the phone with your best friend is all the therapy you need.
14) Things happen, its the way you choose to handle everything. 

Well there you go, 14 things I learned last year. Its personal, but I don't mind sharing a little part of me. That is what a blog is for anyways...

Until next time!


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