Thursday, March 5, 2015

My Fitness Journey

I'm back guys! Sorry for going has me sooo busy this semester but busy is good! (just a heads up this post is a little long) 

Quick update...I just turned 22 in Feb so Happy Birthday to me! Spring break is coming up next week, and my girls and I are going to visit our best friend Emily up in San Marcos and I couldn't be even more excited to get out of town, even if its just for the weekend. 

So in honor of Spring break and all my college students trying to get into shape to show off their hot bodies during the spring/summer, I just wanted to share my tips on how I have been attempting to get into shape.

Please keep in mind that I am no expert on fitness or anything, in fact, if you knew me before I started loosing weight you would know that I was THE most laziest person when it came to being active. I hated to sweat. Now its addicting to me. So when I say anybody can do this, really, if I can get up and change my unhealthy ways, you can too!

So around last year, out of nowhere, I had the urge to start being more healthy. At this point, I was at my heaviest (150 lbs) I couldn't handle it anymore, I wasn't confident in myself, all I wanted to do was sleep all day, and most of my eating habits were terrible.(Fast food all day err day) And trying to get me to work out was like pulling teeth. So when I finally decided it was time for me to loose weight, I started off with Herbalife.

Now most of you are probably gonna say "that crap doesn't work" but pleaseeee trust me when I say, it really does work. I am in no way trying to promote them either, but I have pictures to prove what Herbalife did. (I will show them at the end) It was a slow process for me but it was worth it! I went from 150 to 130 lbs. That was my goal weight so I decided to stop Herbalife and just learn to maintain that weight.

So from then to this day, I work out daily (sometimes work and school get in the way though) I eat healthy and make all my meals at home. Dont get me wrong, I am human and slip sometimes cause you know what its like to have Girl Scout cookies in your house?! Temptation is real let me tell you. But basically, I just try to save my bad eating for the weekend so I am not completely depriving myself. 

For workouts, 30 minutes of cardio and about 15 minutes of weight training. And I do that for about 3-5 days out of the week. I have also just started doing Insanity, and I die every time. Its amazing.

A few extra tips:
*drink lemon water or green tea first thing when you wake up and throughout the whole day.
*eat veggies at EVERY meal. 
*dont weigh yourself're only stressing yourself out
*be patient with your body 
*find motivation within yourself, think about why you really want to do this.
*carbs aren't all bad, just limit yourself. 
*No More Fast Food...just stop. 

Loosing weight should be a slow and steady process, don't expect results overnight, It took me about a year and I am still nowhere where I want to be. Its a lifestyle change not just temporary, Remember that.

Before....                            A few weeks ago.                                

Okay so the pictures aren't body shots simply because people have told me they can tell just in my face that I have lost weight. 

So those of you that are looking to be healthy, go for it! If I can do it, so can you! Its not easy but in the end you will thank yourself. 
